Social Anxiety
This is for you if you’ve never posted online, but you want to have an audience (for any reason)
Parachuting out of an airplane sounded more appealing at the time…
Even sharing a news article or personal update on Facebook brought me anxiety. I harboured thoughts such as: “will they tear my opinion to pieces and confront me with it?” and “what if no one cares about my pictures from Greece and I get zero likes?“
OMG, what if they unfriend me?
I couldn’t bear it. I can’t tell you how many times I shared an article only to immediately delete it because I was too scared to expose my personal opinion.
Panic was strong with this one. I was terrified to reveal my political inclination or moral beliefs.
What if they found out my mother-in-law owns a sex shop…
This was the equivalent of inviting conflict into my home and not knowing what to serve it or how to get it to leave politely. Not a position I want to be in.
My confidence level was so low that I couldn’t handle judgmental eye rolls.
I looked at it from the wrong angle for so long because I never once considered that maybe THEY had a shitty moral compass that would make ME not want to be friends with them.
Talking about my accolades was entirely out of my comfort zone. If someone asked me about my accomplishments, I kept my wins to myself rather than proudly sharing them.
Because really, isn’t it better to put yourself down and let others know you’re not good at anything? That’s what people like.
I did everything to stay within the confines of my shell and not make any noise for fear of wrongly inconveniencing the wrong person.
If you’re like that, I can relate so much. It’s hard to move away from such insecurities and have the mental freedom to not care about what others think. I managed to do that with time, and with the help of my action plan, of course.
And when I finally felt confident enough to peek outside out of my shell, I retreated immediately.
Let me tell you why.
I created Honestrox to share my journey and experiences as a socially anxious introvert to help others in a similar situation. It just never occurred to me that this meant I had to expose myself in unnatural ways so that people could get to know me intimately.
If social anxiety is holding you back in one area of life, you need to grab this social anxiety action plan template. It was the catalyst that started my journey to managing my social anxiety.
“I admit that I’m scared. Scared, embarrassed, guilty and ashamed. Doing this scares me, makes me uncomfortable and makes me want to stop and run away. This is exactly the reason I need to post this.”I imagined being her, sitting on the floor, looking into the camera, and uttering those exact words, with trembling lips and a shaky voice.
I’m sharing my personal experience of going from scared to post a personal update on my social media account, to putting myself out there in video form.
Here are the top 3 tips if you’ve never posted online but you want to grow your audience.
Go back up and read why each step is important if you want to put yourself on social media.
I went from being scared to ask a question out loud to hosting summits online. I love coffee, french crepes, and working from home. My mission? Help others build their social confidence to make friends, have conversations, and be comfortable around people!
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As a social anxiety expert I share my best strategies and tips that I’ve learned on my journey to help you manage your social anxiety.
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Must Reads
Grab these freebies
Free Challenge
5 tasks. 3 difficulty levels. Test your social anxiety through exposure therapy.
Grab these freebies
Free Template
Get the template that I personally used and create your own steps for your journey.
A podcast meant to help you be comfortably you, no matter the situation. My goal is to give you the confidence to go out into the world, share your worth, build meaningful relationships, and see yourself as highly capable. It all starts with being your awkward self comfortably.
Awkward together
The “Be socially confident” newsletter drops weekly to inspire, entertain, motivate, and educate you about social anxiety (who knew it could be so much fun?!). Honestly, if anything, you’ll get a kick out of my own experiences and the funny GIFs.
I’m obsessed with social anxiety. In a healthy way! After a decade of being debilitated by it, I finally have the tools I need to manage it (the journey itself is no joke). I now use my experience to help others.